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Dominoes BIG


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Dominoes BIG
#1. Dominoes BIG (Android) By: PLAYTOUCH#2. Dominoes BIG (Android) By: PLAYTOUCH#3. Dominoes BIG (Android) By: PLAYTOUCH#4. Dominoes BIG (Android) By: PLAYTOUCH#5. Dominoes BIG (Android) By: PLAYTOUCH#6. Dominoes BIG (Android) By: PLAYTOUCH#7. Dominoes BIG (Android) By: PLAYTOUCH#8. Dominoes BIG (Android) By: PLAYTOUCH#9. Dominoes BIG (Android) By: PLAYTOUCH#10. Dominoes BIG (Android) By: PLAYTOUCH

Dominoes BIG

Dominoes are a board game of Chinese origin, using 28 pieces (in the case of a “double-six” game). It is usually played by two, three or four people. As with cards, there are many variations of the game. The explanations below give some examples.

But the real origin remains mysterious, as others claim that the oldest domino game was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun.

See also
Coin Blossom

Each player receives 7 dominoes or 6 dominoes depending on the number of participants in the game (7 2 player dominoes, 6 3 or 4 player dominoes). Beware! The dominoes must be distributed with the points hidden. The rest of the dominoes serve as a pickaxe.

The player with the highest double (double 6 therefore) begins the domino game. If no one owns this domino, it will be the player with the strongest double. The next player in turn must place a domino having the same number of points on at least one side of the previously placed domino.
Example: if the domino placed at 3 and 2 points, the next player must necessarily place a domino having a side 2 or 3
If the player has a matching domino, he places it after the domino. Otherwise, he draws a domino and passes his turn. As the game progresses, the dominoes form a chain.

See also
Space Bus Jam

To win the game, you just have to be the first player to place all your dominoes. The game may be blocked. Then the player with the fewest points is declared the winner.

See also
Ticktock challenge: Mini games

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