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How to install unsigned APKs on your phone?

In some cases you are downloading Android app or games from a third party site other than Google play store, then you may find that the application is not installing on your device, and your smartphone is throwing an error: ‘X Application not installed‘.
This can be because the modders want to keep the original signature so that the modded app/games will work normally.

What is the difference between SIGNED and UNSIGNED apk?

There is only a minor difference in both the version of the application. The signed app contains an extra folder i.e. ‘META-INF’ which also contains the following:

There are different ways to install such unsigned APKs. Here, I introduce two common ways:

1. Install unsigned APKs on ROOTED phones?

  1. The very first thing, of course, you need to do is to root your android device.
  2. Download and install Busybox.
  3. Then Download and install Lucky Patcher.
  4. (Lucky Patcher is a wonderful application which can be used to hack many applications/games, block ads on any android device with/without root).
  5. Now Launch the lucky patcher app and wait until it gets refreshed.
  6. Now, a menu will appear where you can see your installed applications. Then tap on ‘Tool Box‘:  How to install unsigned APKs on your phone?
  7. Now, a pop up menu will appear. Tap on ‘Patch to Android‘:  How to install unsigned APKs on your phone?
  8. Now tick on the “Signature Verification status always true” and “Disable .apk Signature Verfication“.
  9. Finally, click on Apply.
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That’s it!

2. Install unsigned APKs on UNROOTED phones?

Rooting your phone will void the warranty so if you do not want to root the phone then you can try this way.
Actually this is a way to Sign and install the Unsigned app/games which you downloaded:
  1. First of all, you need to install ZipSigner.
  2. Launch the app and you will be taken to the App dashboard.
  3. Then tap Choose input file and then Sign the file:
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 How to install unsigned APKs on your phone?
That’s it!

Google Playstore link for  How to install unsigned APKs on your phone?  game download  How to install unsigned APKs on your phone?  apk game for android Download  How to install unsigned APKs on your phone?  mod apk and apk for android

How to install unsigned APKs on your phone? Mod Tools

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How to install unsigned APKs on your phone? Tips and Hints

Stay Ahead in How to install unsigned APKs on your phone? :

For the best experience and to become a top How to install unsigned APKs on your phone? player, ensure you have a modern device and excellent internet connectivity. Follow WENDGAMES for the latest updates and tips on APKs and mods.

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